But now, well, I still have to assist Savannah a little in the mornings, but not so much. We have found a medicine that truly helps manage the stiffness and pain, with little side effects, and that can be taken orally. Savannah runs at recess!!! At night, she still complains of hurting, but without tears. She sleeps fitfully, waking up three to four times at night to stretch because she is so stiff, but she manages sleep.

Savannah still wonders if she will ever know life without pain, but she chooses not to dwell on it anymore. So, today, choose to be happy, to run through the grass barefoot for no reason at all (ok, it might be too cold for that), and notice God's beauty around you. Blessings to all the people who have taken this journey with us. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
-Jenny and Savannah