Living as a teen with arthritis is kind of like Savannah's swim meet yesterday…some days you get rained on. After a fifteen minute delay as the rain poured in Mobile, AL, the meet continued…and Savannah got her best personal times ever!

Much of Savannah's success is due to the people whom cheer her on everyday…Jenna, Sarah, Lauren, Garrett, and Nolan to name just a few. These two guys came straight from a college exam to cheer Savannah on…we love you Cody and Kyle! To everyone who reads this blog, the power of an encouraging word to those struggling can mean the difference of finishing a race…and finishing it strong!!

It was just five years ago Savannah could hardly walk, let alone run. She competed in a one mile run…and it took everything in her to finish that race…but her friend Hope cheered her on that day, and even ran across the finish line with her….reminding her she can overcome her challenges.

This weekend, Savannah will attempt her first 5K without assistance (i.e. wheelchair). Savannah may not have the best time on the clock at the end of the race, but
finishing will be her goal. Mornings are hard for most anyone with arthritis (joints are very stiff), so the 7am start time with be a challenge within itself. However, with friends encouraging her…she has the courage to try. As her friends run, part of Savannah's spirit will be with them wishing she was running beside them. However, Savannah plans to walk…and she hopes to walk for all the Juvenile Arthritis kids who cannot walk because of the pain within them. Don't give up, because even though there are rainy days on this journey, the sunshine will come again. Meanwhile, Savannah will walk for you.