Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Savannah's New EZ Rider!

Savannah is getting a new EZ Rider to aid her when she has "flare ups" with the arthritis in her feet and ankles. Though Savannah is improving, there are still times she cannot walk. It is a Convaid EZ Rider. It looks just like the one in this picture, accept hers will be teal in color. Savannah and I like it because it does not look like a baby's stroller (too young looking), but it doesn't look like a wheelchair (too old looking). It folds to fit in my car trunk and I know it will aid Savannah for many years to come. Yea!! No more of me having to carry Savannah on my back (did you hear that, mom?!). Again I say...God is good, all the time.


  1. God bless you Jenny. You're a good mama. I know this must be extremely difficult for you...more than I can possibly wrap my brain around. Or my heart. We will always pray for Savannah and will lift you up as well.

  2. By the way, Savannah...nice wheels sweet girl! Love to see you on your feet, but when it's just too tough, you'll rock that thing!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words. Savannah has had a few good days lately and we are enjoying every minute of them. We will use the EZ Rider when it just gets too tough to keep going...then, she will keep going on sweet wheels! We are blessed to have Convaid to make such a great wheeled device.
