Monday, May 27, 2019

I started this blog as a journey of a child’s life with juvenile arthritis...

...the ups and downs, the doctor visits and treatment options, overcoming pain, and how Savannah lived her life to the fullest despite a juvenile arthritis diagnosis.

My daughter Savannah still deals with arthritis every day, but she does not let arthritis define who she is.  She has started her own blog - Word and Sunshine.  It can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and on the web at

She chooses to share the joy of living one’s best life, despite challenges.  So, I end this blog here, for it is time for this girl to fly solo!  My prayer is that this blog has blessed you in some way.  Savannah is a fighter...and while arthritis is part of her story,  she is stronger and a better person because of it. Thank you for all your prayers and sharing Savannah’s journey.  💜

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Juvenile Arthritis - Choosing Joy!

Winter months are difficult for Savannah.  The cold days and change in barometric pressure seemed to wreak havoc on Savannah’s joint pain.  At age 16, Savannah has now lived with a diagnosed condition (Spondyloarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis) for eight years...though the pain started soon after her birth....we just did not know why she could not sleep soundly.
Savannah has never slept completely through the night...ever. I kept waiting for my newborn Savannah to sleep through the night...3 months passed, then 6 months...1 year, 2 years, now 16 years have passed, and Savannah is yet to sleep through the night without awakening several times. I did not understand why Savannah never slept through a night until her diagnosis.  You see, her joint pain awakens her as her joints stiffen after staying still for too long....this includes lying in bed.
Older people with arthritis might understand this pain that I am Savannah’s 44 year old mother, I do not know this pain, and I sleep fairly well each night....always have.
Truth: I slept with Savannah for years trying to help her manage... getting heating pads, ibuprofen, rubbing her joints, or whatever else she might have needed to manage the pain.  When she got to her teen years, she slept on her own, and managed on her own. -Accept, two nights ago, she asked if I would stay by her side...the pain was worse than usual.  Throughout the night, Savannah flailed, got up numerous times to stretch, take Advil, or change positions in the bed...all trying to relieve the pain in her body.
I realized the pain was still so real, so present, and began to cry.
Then, Savannah reached over and told me not to cry, she reminded me she was use to the pain and not sleeping well...that this was her “normal.”  She also reminded me that if one chooses to be thankful and serve others, it is hard to feel sorry for yourself and feel sad. So, this is what Savannah does...she shares joy, chooses to look for blessings around her, serves others...and the pain is no longer the victor.
Thank you, Savannah, for reminding me to choose joy in this life!  Savannah prays you will look for the many blessings in your life, no matter your challenges...
and to always look for the joy around you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Teenage Blogger...This Girl is spreading joy and encouragement.

This is not my typical post for Savannah.  Instead of talking about juvenile arthritis, I am sharing that Savannah has launched her own blog!  There are many blogs out there, but few are written by teens.  If you need a dose of sunshine, here it is! She will discuss triumphs, challenges, anxieties, heartbreak, and living a life for God as a teen.  Also, not settling for less than God’s best in your life will be addressed, along with “dating with a purpose.” Savannah is God’s vessel, and she wants you to run the race of life alone side of her. Her target audience is teen girls, but males, females, young, and old can benefit from her blog. Feel free to share her site!!!
Savannah’s personal blog to encourage teen

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Finish the Race

As Savannah approaches her 16th birthday this weekend, I am amazed at the young lady she has become. No, this post is not about arthritis pain, but living a life with purpose despite your obstacles...whatever they may be.
Savannah ran her first 5K trail run this last weekend...well, she attempted to, anyways. You see, Savannah ran the first mile like the wind, faster than I have ever seen her run...then, gut wrenching pain seized her stomach.  She slowed her pace, grabbed her stomach in seething pain. She had to quit the race one mile in, attempting to just make it to the bathroom because she was about to spew from both ends (her words, not mine😜). We try to keep it real on this blog, and sometimes life is not pretty, and definitely not ideal.  However, after spending some time with the “porcelain thrown,” Savannah returned to the course and finished the race.  The stomach cramps had not left, she wanted to give up, she could not run due to pain, it might have been last place she came in...but, she finished because she was not going to give up...she fought her way to the end, gritting her teeth.  Her friends went back for she would not have to finish support her because they love her. So, this soon to be girl with a drivers license keeps making her way through this life the best she can, mike by mile, inch by inch...and she wants her readers to do the same.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Teenagers with Arthritis - The Sky is the Limit!!!

Savannah is swimming on the City League this summer…a first for her!  It requires commitment, hard work, and no excuses!  Swimming is such a great fit for anyone suffering with arthritis of any age.  So, if you are a teenager with arthritis and don't think you can play sports because of it…think again!  Try swim!!!!!

Thank you, everyone, for praying for Savannah through the years and cheering her on.  She has come so far…and a lot of that is because of your prayers.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Overcoming Adversity and Reclaiming Life - A Teen with Juvenile Arthritis

The following was written by Savannah Nelson for a class at school.
A glimpse inside the life of a teen with Juvenile Arthritis.

The Photograph

In my room, I have a picture of my seventh grade JV soccer team in a huddle. For most where that photo might just represent past memories, for me, it symbolizes reclaiming my future. When I was in second grade, soccer was my life. My days were spent at camps, games, practices, and trying to simulate the lives of my favorite players. Everything I did was connected to the sport, and I lived for the rush of stealing the other team's ball and ensuring it made its way into the goal. The only problem was the opponent wasn’t my only adversary, but also my own body. All my life, I had struggled with extreme pain in my fingers, and as time went on, the agony had spread to my feet. As the seasons rolled through, the pain progressed, but so did my passion. It got to the point where my father had to carry me off the field after games due to the extreme pain in my feet. Even then, I never missed a practice. 
My joints caved on me the following season, and I was forced to give up the sport I loved. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis a few months later. From there, I fell into a state of self-pity, and my own thoughts imprisoned me. Many years, medications, and infusions later, I slowly made progress, both physically and mentally. My seventh grade year, I had put myself back together enough to work up the courage to try out for the soccer team. This wasn’t only a choice to join a sport, but a decision to break the shackles that held me to my past. I practiced everyday after school for weeks leading up to the tryouts, and when the roster was posted…there was my name listed…I had made it!  I will never forget the weight that had burdened me for so long being lifted. After that season, I learned that soccer just wasn’t my love anymore, but even so, it gave me something in a way nothing else could: my life back.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Weather Conditions…Dealing with the pain.

The weather.  Freezing cold, then warmer, then a drop in pressure, storms coming accompanied with a cold front….the weather conditions can be murderous on someone with arthritis!  However, if you are a teenager with arthritis, you have to walk to classes, take numerous notes in class, participate in sports….be a teenager!  These tasks, that should be so simple, can be near impossible because of painful joints.  Savannah had a hard time just standing in the kitchen this morning before school.  She took her arthritis prescription medicine and Aleve…but she needs more!  She just texted me asking what more she could do for the pain.  My answer, we will pray harder!