Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Finish the Race

As Savannah approaches her 16th birthday this weekend, I am amazed at the young lady she has become. No, this post is not about arthritis pain, but living a life with purpose despite your obstacles...whatever they may be.
Savannah ran her first 5K trail run this last weekend...well, she attempted to, anyways. You see, Savannah ran the first mile like the wind, faster than I have ever seen her run...then, gut wrenching pain seized her stomach.  She slowed her pace, grabbed her stomach in seething pain. She had to quit the race one mile in, attempting to just make it to the bathroom because she was about to spew from both ends (her words, not mine😜). We try to keep it real on this blog, and sometimes life is not pretty, and definitely not ideal.  However, after spending some time with the “porcelain thrown,” Savannah returned to the course and finished the race.  The stomach cramps had not left, she wanted to give up, she could not run due to pain, it might have been last place she came in...but, she finished because she was not going to give up...she fought her way to the end, gritting her teeth.  Her friends went back for she would not have to finish support her because they love her. So, this soon to be girl with a drivers license keeps making her way through this life the best she can, mike by mile, inch by inch...and she wants her readers to do the same.

1 comment:

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